Welcome to my blog

Well, file those under "words I never thought I'd type." But after receiving my third cancer diagnosis (melanoma in 2004, breast in 2005 and now breast again in 2010), I've decided to add blogger to my many titles.

Many of you who knew me in 2005 followed my journey through e-mail updates, which I have posted as blog entries below in case anyone wants the entire history.

When I first found out my breast cancer had recurred, I heard some pretty scary numbers regarding survival and prognosis. But in a direct answer to the prayers of so many, God led me to a second opinion, a new and aggressive treatment plan and one of the sweetest words ever uttered by an oncologist -- "curable."

It won't be easy, but I've got a lot to live for.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Checking in, scan tomorrow

Good morning! Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you all were able to spend some time with those you love.

I have a PET scan tomorrow (12/2), so please pray that the scan comes back clear. For some reason, I am feeling more anxious than usual about the results of this one. I never enjoy the scans, especially the part about no food or drink beforehand, but something is bugging me about this one. Hopefully it's nothing, but you all know I am not shy about asking for specific prayers.

Please, please, please pray that my scan is ALL CLEAR!

In the breast cancer world, doctors don't use the term "cured" or "remission," but they will tell you there is "No Evidence of Disease" or NED. I'm enjoying spending time with Ned right now and I hope he is not planning on leaving me anytime soon.

Hugs to all,


1 comment:

Andy said...

You are in our prayers. Hope you get a good surprise from NED. :-)